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Bible Reader

To speak God’s word
to help God’s gathered people hear his voice.

Key Tasks
  1. Prepare and practise your reading before you come to church

  2. Create a seamless flow by moving to the front as the previous thing (eg song) is ending

  3. Adjust the mic if necessary so it’ll pick up your voice

  4. Introduce and conclude as per the service booklet or prayer book ‘A reading from…'

  5. Don’t read any headings or sub-headings

  6. Lift your head as much as possible and speak in a confident clear voice to the back of the room.

  7. Don’t rush the reading

  8. If you’re not sure of a passage’s meaning, or how to pronounce a word, ask Paul (before Sunday!)

  9. Use Emphasis, Phrasing, and Expression (as per the audio course)

  10. Consider marking up the text, eg using underlining for emphasis, and / for breath-taking



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